The False Claims Act (FCA) is just one of the handful of federal laws that government contractors must adhere to or they run the risk of prosecution by a federal agency, such as the DOJ or SEC. As cited in an article I recently co-authored, “[t]he civil penalty for FCA violations can be significant, with

Todd Overman
Todd Overman is the chair of the firm’s Government Contracts practice and Managing Partner of the Washington, D.C. office. He has over twenty years of experience advising companies on the unique aspects of doing business with the federal government. Over the last decade, he has advised on more than 50 transactions involving the purchase or sale of a government contractor.
UPS Settles Alleged FCA Violations for Failing to Deliver (On Time)
Is late package delivery considered an FCA liability for government contractors? Bass, Berry & Sims attorneys analyzed the recent settlement between United Parcel Service Inc.’s (UPS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) resolving allegations that UPS submitted false claims to the federal government related to the timeliness of package delivery. This case shows the range…
United Technologies is Saved from $657 million False Claims Act Verdict by the Sixth Circuit
On April 6, 2015, the Sixth Circuit delivered a costly blow to the United States government to the tune of $657 million when it issued its opinion in United States v. United Technologies Corporation and remanded the case back to the district court to review the damages award, yet again.
This was the second time that the Sixth Circuit heard arguments deriving from the United States False Claims Act case against Pratt & Whitney (“Pratt”), now owned by United Technologies, for false statements the company made when competing against GE Aircraft for contracts to build F-15 and F-16 jet engines. In 1983, in an attempt to outbid GE Aircraft and make it hard for the government to issue a split-award contract, Pratt misstated its projected costs and certified that the company’s bid included its “best estimates and/or actual costs.” After uncovering Pratt’s overstated costs projections, the government filed both an administrative action against the company in the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (“ASBCA”) under the Truth in Negotiations Act and a lawsuit in district court alleging violations of the False Claims Act.Continue Reading United Technologies is Saved from $657 million False Claims Act Verdict by the Sixth Circuit
Lessons Learned From FCA Settlements With Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Manufacturers
We recently authored an article on False Claims Act (FCA) enforcement actions brought against pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers during the past year. In the article, we analyzed the recent settlements for Ansun Biopharma, Inc. (formerly known as NexBio, Inc.); Smith & Nephew, Inc.; McKesson Corporation; and Stryker Corporation and Alliant Enterprises.
The article, “…