We wanted to update readers on improvements to our blog that you will see over the next few months.

Along with giving the web page a new look, we will be publishing a series of posts to enhance our readers’ understanding of key False Claims Act issues. Each series will serve a different purpose, and the series will focus on the following:

  • False Claims Act Fundamentals – This series will address fundamental concepts related to the False Claims Act, such as: What is the FCA? What is a relator? What do I do if I get a Civil Investigative Demand? While we hope these posts will be useful to all readers, they are intended to be especially helpful to those who may be encountering the False Claims Act for the first time.
  • False Claims Act Deep Dive – These posts will contain in-depth discussions of the current law related to various aspects of the False Claims Act, such as the elements of falsity, materiality and scienter, and the False Claims Act’s public disclosure bar. These posts also will analyze situations and issues that can arise during or are relevant to False Claims Act investigations and litigation.
  • Business and Industry Focus – These posts will analyze False Claims Act issues relevant to stakeholders in specific industries.
  • Quarterly Case and Settlement Updates – These posts will be published quarterly and will highlight the most important cases and settlements from the prior quarter.
  • False Claims Act Alert – These posts will analyze recent developments in the False Claims Act space, as well as litigation and enforcement trends we are seeing or anticipating.

The first post in our False Claims Act Fundamentals series – What is the FCA? – will be posted in the next few days. We hope these changes improve your experience with Inside the FCA. Thank you for reading.

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Photo of Matt Curley Matt Curley

Matt Curley is co-chair of the Bass, Berry & Sims Healthcare Fraud Task Force and represents clients in connection with internal and governmental investigations and related civil and criminal proceedings, particularly involving matters of fraud and abuse within the healthcare industry. Matt has…

Matt Curley is co-chair of the Bass, Berry & Sims Healthcare Fraud Task Force and represents clients in connection with internal and governmental investigations and related civil and criminal proceedings, particularly involving matters of fraud and abuse within the healthcare industry. Matt has considerable experience in litigating matters under the False Claims Act (FCA) and in representing clients in actions and investigations brought by government regulators, including the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (HHS-OIG) and various state agencies.

Photo of Brian Irving Brian Irving

Brian Irving represents businesses and individuals in complex litigation and government investigations, focusing on healthcare fraud, securities fraud, and business disputes. Brian’s clients span a variety of industries, including healthcare, pharmaceuticals, government contracting, and financial services. Brian has successfully represented clients in federal…

Brian Irving represents businesses and individuals in complex litigation and government investigations, focusing on healthcare fraud, securities fraud, and business disputes. Brian’s clients span a variety of industries, including healthcare, pharmaceuticals, government contracting, and financial services. Brian has successfully represented clients in federal and state courts at both the trial and appellate levels, and in arbitrations and other forms of alternative dispute resolution.